Tuesday, May 27, 2008

alright you assholes here's some shit

fecks and sammy doing their things so all four of you that read my comic can enjoy i guess

and i guess you guys are putting youtubes on here now so

see you again in 5 months


The_ez8 said...

Good to see you post and still good to see the drawings as always. I still wish I could get as loose and expressive with my lines.

Also that film was B A

kcgee said...

your drawings are leaving me hot and flustered, please link me to a site i can go climax at!!

P Cleland said...

Josh, I still think these are great I love yer drawings.. and that video was pretty wicked from both a technical and conceptual standpoint...

kcgee said...

seriously your art is super great i am in love with it <3_<3

The_ez8 said...

www.joshdorsha.com YOU SMUCK

Mauvais said...

god dammit I just got done yelling at Paul for giving people links to sites I haven't added new art to in 2 years dude

Mauvais said...

also thank you therhymebook i'm a petty and bitter person and have to lash out at my own friends before doing anything else <:|

P Cleland said...

I still like you Josh. I like you because I like your drawings.

Mauvais said...

so if I drew bad we wouldn't be friends?

... :(

P Cleland said...

that didn't come out right :(.. that's what I get for making comments the moment I wake up.

of course I'd like you even if you drew "bad" but what is drawing bad?