Woo! After a tough spring of my brother moving off to Texas, having to deal with the death of an uncle I was close to, a week of food poisoning and something I really don't know what to say about or understand, I am done with school for the summer! It'll be nice to relax and unwind and sleep in till' 3pm. It was also good to see I am stronger than I thought I was for dealing with all these shitty things. If it weren't for such good friends, family and music I don't know what I would have done with myself this last season. Oh well, tons of frustration produces tons of art I've found. Plus this summer is already shaping up to be pretty fucking awesome.
Anyways, enough whiny shit from me, TIME TO POST SOME ARTS FOR REALS:

This was my final project for my drawing foundations class. We had to do it on a 33" by 40" piece of strahmore so this is pretty big! We all drew fortunes from fortune cookies for our final project and had to do a theme on the message. Mine was "It's always proper to speak the truth" which is something I can agree with so I decided to do an illustration on the boy who cried wolf. Here I am below it with some silly sun glasses I found on the ground that smell like an old lady:

Some kid in one of the art classes put that tape up on the wall to spell "BLAH! ART" and for some reason it makes me laugh every time I see it.
I don't know which I like more - the piece itself, or the photo of you with it and the tape-graffiti on the wall...
speaking of graffiti I used to draw comics on the bathroom stalls of the basement bathroom of the art department.. it was awesome.
Someone did this amazing lettering and pattern work with a sharpie in one of the art building's bathroom stall that is really high on the wall. Someone then wrote next to it, "what, are you eight feet tall?" and next to it is just a simple "yes".
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