I like drawing monsters and I haven't been doing much other than doodling creatures lately so I figured I should upload something. Whenever I listen to a lot of Joanna Newsom I get this urge to draw forest and monsters, though be warned she is the Queen of hit or miss. You either tend to love her or hate her.
Yes, and I am very aware it sounds like the old lady from poltergeist singing but damn if that harp music ain't beautiful.
now draw hellboy fighting this monster.
But this monster just wants to enjoy nature peacefully (and maybe eat children, not sure yet).
Hellboy, with a baby in one arm, and the monster all like trying to reach for it, but hellboy is holding him back with the other arm and saying "no"
Can the baby be mulatto?
isn't that a term for someone who's born of black and white parents?
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