aight kids. I'm marinading some meats so I guess while I let that happen I'll continue my trip to heroes con. When Last I blogged I talked about Sanford Greene, Bryan Lee O'Malley and Jim Mahfood and his amazing pen.
after lunch on Friday some images at the Cute Girl Demographics Table caught my eye, and as I gawked the artists were actually not present but letting the table next to them watch their stuff. They returned and I mostly talked with the very nice Josh Latta who is working on an ongoing dirty funny animal book called Rashy Rabbit, formally known as anxiety, sleep problems and depression, it's basically a story about an akward guy who wants to fuck girls but told with bunnies and also kind of a semi auto biography, I liked the way it looked so I bought it and also his companion, Brad McGinty, had a cool little book called Bird Doggin which was basically a mini collection of pin up style pics.. which I was pretty down with. catch Josh Latta and Brad McGinty at Cute Girl DemoGraphics if you wanna catch more of their stuff.
Directly behind me from the cgdg table was a booth reserved for the creators of, I said to them "So you're the reason I got that C my Freshman year at College" and they at first seemed affronted but then got the joke and I spoke with them for a bit. I'd asked them if they'd like a free drawing of the most underappreciated characters on the show and when they couldn't decide who that was I said I'd just draw them the King of Town and the Poop Smith together. They seemed to like it and the one that does the voices even read the King's Dialogue I'd written for him outloud for me.. It was really cool meeting those guys (even though many folks these days don't like em I'm still excited for their video game coming out this month)
On the last day of the show I noticed these AWESOME pinup books.. I mean effin awesome.. I was blown the fuck away by what I was seeing. the table belonged to Alberto Ruiz of Brand Studio Press, and he is just as no nonsense as he is on his site, he's straight to the point and knows what he wants. All I could really do was look through his book he wasn't as interested in shooting the shit as the other folks I'd met had been and he really didn't even open up to me until he found out I was an artist and then he gave me an email address to submit to his latest book, which I posted about not to long ago.. heheh
ok then the burgers are ready to cook now.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Heroes Con Part 1: Bryan Lee O'Malley, Sanford Greene, Jim Mahfood
My first day at Heroes Con, Friday. I'd been freaking out about this thing for most of the two weeks, I'd been rebuilding and perfecting my portfolio to get ready and was ready to pull it out for anyone who looked. (it wasn't until later that I figured out that the best thing to have were mini comics and such.. but that's for next time.)
The first person I went to see was my long time inspiration Bryan Lee O'Malley creator of Scott Pilgrim one of my favorite comics right now. I handed him a print of some Scott Pilgrim fan art and he laughed and thanked me for my image, giving me a free sticker for the present, I immediately left his presence because I couldn't think of anything else to say to him really.. I wish I had though.. later I went to speak to his intern who was very very nice and easy to talk to. (his intern's site is here) (byran's site is here)
after leaving mr. O'Malley's table I waddled my way to Sanford Greene's table, we hadn't talked for almost two years but I felt as a fellow Souf Carolina resident I owed it to him to say hi. Me and Sanford met when we had an interesting conversation at the South Carolina State Museum and talked again at the 06 con and then nothing until last week. Sanford was as nice as always and I could see his work had tightened up and become even more impressive than the last time I saw it.. but what I was really going wild about was his Method Man book which he had one sample of on his table.. oh man this was sweet, I couldn't name a single method man song but if his music was about what was in that comic I'd probably buy at least one album. (check out Sanford here)
The next table I thought to visit was Jim Mahfood's I'd read his clerk's comics back in the 90's as well as a Generation X comic that he'd fashioned and that was all I knew about his work until that Friday. I stared at his table a moment, awe struck at all the sweet ass work in front of me and then told him that I hadn't seen his stuff since high school and was blown away at how refined his stuff had become now. I absolutely love Mahfood's current stuff and then I caught sight of this pen he was using I nearly soiled myself and proclaimed I had to have it. So I snatched it up and wrote the name down and ordered me some over at (the pens in question are called "Parallel Pens" and they're pretty sweet.. well at least they will be when I learn to control them.) I bought three books at Mahfoods table and he was mega nice and awesome, I hope to talk to him next year or sooner.. I dunno man.. damn he was a cool dude.
(check out Mahfood here)
The first person I went to see was my long time inspiration Bryan Lee O'Malley creator of Scott Pilgrim one of my favorite comics right now. I handed him a print of some Scott Pilgrim fan art and he laughed and thanked me for my image, giving me a free sticker for the present, I immediately left his presence because I couldn't think of anything else to say to him really.. I wish I had though.. later I went to speak to his intern who was very very nice and easy to talk to. (his intern's site is here) (byran's site is here)
after leaving mr. O'Malley's table I waddled my way to Sanford Greene's table, we hadn't talked for almost two years but I felt as a fellow Souf Carolina resident I owed it to him to say hi. Me and Sanford met when we had an interesting conversation at the South Carolina State Museum and talked again at the 06 con and then nothing until last week. Sanford was as nice as always and I could see his work had tightened up and become even more impressive than the last time I saw it.. but what I was really going wild about was his Method Man book which he had one sample of on his table.. oh man this was sweet, I couldn't name a single method man song but if his music was about what was in that comic I'd probably buy at least one album. (check out Sanford here)
The next table I thought to visit was Jim Mahfood's I'd read his clerk's comics back in the 90's as well as a Generation X comic that he'd fashioned and that was all I knew about his work until that Friday. I stared at his table a moment, awe struck at all the sweet ass work in front of me and then told him that I hadn't seen his stuff since high school and was blown away at how refined his stuff had become now. I absolutely love Mahfood's current stuff and then I caught sight of this pen he was using I nearly soiled myself and proclaimed I had to have it. So I snatched it up and wrote the name down and ordered me some over at (the pens in question are called "Parallel Pens" and they're pretty sweet.. well at least they will be when I learn to control them.) I bought three books at Mahfoods table and he was mega nice and awesome, I hope to talk to him next year or sooner.. I dunno man.. damn he was a cool dude.
(check out Mahfood here)
I just submitted this image
to Brand Studio Press. you're either in the book or you're out... judging by the artists I'm dealing with then I'm definitely out, but it seemed worth it to get maybe a little bit of notice.. I mean, all artist strive to get better, so that's what I'm looking to do. Ok, Heroes Con reports coming soon I haven't had much time to settle down since I got home.
I uuhh... I'm in the book..... hooooly shit... I uhh.. oh damn.. oh Jeez.. I turned the image into a preview since.. I dunno... Oh jeez I feel like I'm in a dream. considering the quality of work in these books I thought there was a snowball's chance in hell of me getting in... I'm so excited.

to Brand Studio Press. you're either in the book or you're out... judging by the artists I'm dealing with then I'm definitely out, but it seemed worth it to get maybe a little bit of notice.. I mean, all artist strive to get better, so that's what I'm looking to do. Ok, Heroes Con reports coming soon I haven't had much time to settle down since I got home.
I uuhh... I'm in the book..... hooooly shit... I uhh.. oh damn.. oh Jeez.. I turned the image into a preview since.. I dunno... Oh jeez I feel like I'm in a dream. considering the quality of work in these books I thought there was a snowball's chance in hell of me getting in... I'm so excited.
Venus fly trap ladies
Just got back from seeing Shearwater and the Evangelicals live. I did my usual rounds of leaving a few posters, stencils and stickers around after the show in hopes it might start pulling a few more people in. The Fuck yeah tour is coming to town next week so I plan on making some new stickers and designs and actually going around for a good few hours afterwards just posting them around Chicago with some friends.
Here's some recent doodles:
I thought drawing a venus fly trap woman would be pretty cool but it turned out kinda creepy. I like the colors so I figured I should scan it in anyways.
The second image is just something I drew up for a new steam id since I've been playing Team Fortress 2 again. If anyone wants to you can hit me up for a few rounds when I am on steam
and since I have some weird obsession as of late to pair a music video with each post I am going to go with the Rapture. One of my favorite bands that I wish would get their ass in gear and get me a new album soon >:[
Great dance music paired with terribly truthful lyrics, who doesn't love that?
Here's some recent doodles:

The second image is just something I drew up for a new steam id since I've been playing Team Fortress 2 again. If anyone wants to you can hit me up for a few rounds when I am on steam
and since I have some weird obsession as of late to pair a music video with each post I am going to go with the Rapture. One of my favorite bands that I wish would get their ass in gear and get me a new album soon >:[
Great dance music paired with terribly truthful lyrics, who doesn't love that?
Sunday, June 22, 2008
More character doodles

Still trying to figure out if I want to start doing pages for this comic idea I've had or continue with the other one. Also working on some elaborate stickers to print up for a concert I am going to on Tuesday.
Until then, I'll watch men make babies with giant octopuses set to beautiful music:
God damn do I love Andrew Bird, a local Chicago musician as well. He's been one of my favorites over the years and every time I try to go see him in concert (which has been 3 times now) I've had some weird thing or event get in the way. I pray I am not cursed because I need to see this guy live!
Heroes Con 08 in charlotte
so I been hardcore rockin out my portfolio at this little Charlotte, NC con.. and I've heard positive stuff so far.. I've also made sure to hand out my business card with the address on the back, but I'm sure that will only get minimal if any response.. which is why I will be following off with all the people I've met and talk to at the con.. the really fun folks I met will probably be getting their own posts later this week after I've read their respective books.
I hope we can get other people to start looking at the blog and kicking our asses with some real comments about how we're failures to really make us start reevaluating what the hell it is we want to do with our art.. and hopefully we'll be making some new friends as well. I hope to hear from at least one of the folks I gave a card to while I was there. But of course doing art for a living is time consuming and most artists don't have time to play like we do, so let's fucking.. get some pasta sit back and have a good time.. mm mmf mmf
I hope we can get other people to start looking at the blog and kicking our asses with some real comments about how we're failures to really make us start reevaluating what the hell it is we want to do with our art.. and hopefully we'll be making some new friends as well. I hope to hear from at least one of the folks I gave a card to while I was there. But of course doing art for a living is time consuming and most artists don't have time to play like we do, so let's fucking.. get some pasta sit back and have a good time.. mm mmf mmf
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I love wolf parade more than I love you (you beautiful bloggers you)

Wolf Parade's new album "At Mount Zoomer" came out earlier today and they've always been a favorite band of mine. I wanted to do a stencil and decided to go with lyrics from a song of theirs titled "I'll believe in anything". This song alone is why they're one of my favorites. Every time I hear it I can feel a certain amount of things and relations to the lyrics and I still have yet to decide if that's depressing or not. Also I've continued the trend of three eye'd monsters lately.
Oh GOOD NEWS, you even get to hear it now if YOU WANT:
This post is Wolf Paradetastic.
Oh GOOD NEWS, you even get to hear it now if YOU WANT:
This post is Wolf Paradetastic.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
I was talking to Paul and he gets angry that I never post doodles on here so I figured I should post some. Luckily I remembered right before going to bed so now everyone can see my shitty misplaced ideas and scribbles!

Hopefully have something better to show tomorrow but since Paul has been posting so much I figured I should.

Hopefully have something better to show tomorrow but since Paul has been posting so much I figured I should.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Folk music goes poot poot

I like drawing monsters and I haven't been doing much other than doodling creatures lately so I figured I should upload something. Whenever I listen to a lot of Joanna Newsom I get this urge to draw forest and monsters, though be warned she is the Queen of hit or miss. You either tend to love her or hate her.
Yes, and I am very aware it sounds like the old lady from poltergeist singing but damn if that harp music ain't beautiful.
Happy Pep Pep Day!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
There she is!!
a great korean made bunch of flash movies that started in early 00's just released it's third installment. it's great and I suggest you check it out HERE!
these guys really have a knack for using flash in a way that I find enjoyable, and I hope you will too, the animations are cute and the music is just awesome.
these guys really have a knack for using flash in a way that I find enjoyable, and I hope you will too, the animations are cute and the music is just awesome.
Beep boop

I am a robot. It's a bit of a moody drawing but I guess that's what I get for listening to Spiritualize and Beach House back to back when drawing and thinking up ideas.
However, what beats both of those albums is Graceland, which might be one of the best albums ever and I've been listening to obsessively again. OBSERVE:
If you're not feeling a bit better after hearing "you can call me Al" you might not be human. TRUE FACTS OF LIFE FO'SHO!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
If you were to look up bad ass in the dictionary

Lobster Johnson's picture would be next to the definition.
Anyways, I just wanted an excuse to post some art and MUSICS:
One musician I've always enjoyed immensely is Owen Pallett. He heads the band Final Fantasy and he's one of those people who always seems to have intensely honest songs I never get tired of.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008

I was going to see Jamie Lidell tonight and trying to think of something new to do other than stencils so I got this idea to make some doodles, turn them into stickers and then let them loose all over my trail through Chicago to Abbey pub. I think they turned out pretty good and I gotta thank Josh (Mauvis) for inspiring the idea.

Marshmallow Gremlin is a friendly chap who might just help guide some weary souls to this blog.
I liked samurai Paul's little design so I turned that into a sticker as well for some more shameless sticker tagging advertising.

And for reference, Jamie Lidell was fucking fantastic live.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008

I am working on a series of large posca/sharpie paint marker drawings that are inspired by music I am listening to at the time. I pretty much will put on an album and just draw what I see when I hear the music. I was listening to Dan Deacon when I did this. The lyrics in the background are from the song wham city but they're a little hard to read. Also she's wearing a green skull costume inspired by the song Trippy Green skull. ALSO I AM GAY FOR DAN DEACON.
I plan on doing two more, one might be a little too personal to post or really show anyone other than me but I should have another one done in the next few days.
Also for size comparison, look to the bowie:

Not really :/
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