Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Earth day, naked people and Jim

Yesterday my school's art club "Ars Nova" threw it's Earth Day Art festival which is usually their big event of the year. I run Anti-Nova, the anti-art group a few of my friends and me made as a joke. it's actually an open studio get together now but we still make sure we continue to pester Ars Nova at most events. We decided to construct a giant aerosol can to combat the earth and it's atmosphere that Ars Nova is sooooo in love with.
I Also happened to have my luchador mask on me and at one point we decided it should become the nozzle. A very stoic pose soon followed.Anyways, this post has to do with the art blog because they had an art battle that afternoon as well. A bunch of art students entered and we had 30 minutes to use any medium we wanted to make something "earth day" themed. After the voting was finished I got second place! I was pretty excited about that but more so the fact I also got 25 bucks and my piece would be auctioned off and the donations would go to some hippy organization of some sort that loves the earth or something. We then threw the 25 bucks at my piece.
It's a robot vomiting pollution because technology is bad and it hates the earth.

And since this has been a super long post I figured I should top it off with Jamie Lidell's "Little bit of feel good" music vid:

It's off his latest album "Jim" which I picked up today and it's seriously one of the best I've heard this year. Great voice, amazing sound and awesome lyrics. Everything just seemed perfectly executed with a great gospel feel to back that shit up.


P Cleland said...

hey you need to get a better picture of that urf day robutt if you can..

also the aerosol can is a hot Idea.. you illinois kids are badasses.

Cooky Puss said...

~can u feel tha illinoize~