Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
A list of music you may or may not enjoy from 2008: part 1 of 45
Basically, in no order or structure, here is 6 of my favorite albums of 2008. It was a good year for music and it's always nice to see what people where listening to. I could have gone to 10 or more even but I like to keep this list simple, short and sweet.
French kicks - Swimming

They have this amazing distant sound with intense reverb and heavy bass tones on this album. It has this haunting sound that doesn't leave and causes it to become involving in a way. Somewhat similar to the Walkmen but still unique on their own, this album was pretty amazing to me.
Why? - Alopecia

Yoni Wolf, lead singer and do'er most'er guy of Why? has always been a really interesting musician and put together a really fun trip hop album here. The album is mainly about personal problems and worries reflected in fun, psychedelic tracks that have an upbeat sound with grim lyrics. It's got a certain weird charm that's hard to deny.
Evangelicals - The Evening Descends

This entire album is a really cool concept itself. Basically it's like if you took a bunch of old 70's horror films and vignettes, mixed them with a bit of the Rocky Horror Picture Show and then had a band that sounds like Pavement on acid make music to it all. It's a fun, interesting trip altogether.
Shugo Tokumaru - Exit

Shugo Tokumaru has always been a really interesting musician and he really shines on this album. He plays all the instruments on this (which is around 40) and manages to make them all sound chaotic, delightful and cheerful. All the songs have an interesting dream like quality to them that kind of sticks with you after listening.
Miniature Tigers - Tell it to the Volcano

This is their first album, after releasing to EP's this year that were both excellent. The whole thing has a lot of straight forward songs with real catchy beats. As simple as the songs and sound are done, it's so well executed that it almost becomes complex. They remind me of early Weezer in a lot of great ways.
Thao - We Brave Bee Stings and All

The lead singer has a beautiful, unique voice and the guitar work throughout the whole album is quite amazing. A lot of the songs also seem to be on love and fractured relationships with inspiring lyrics and great mental imagery. She communicates that love is most definitely for the brave and you should always expect a few black eyes here and there when dealing with it.
I was considering adding Tv on the Radio's new album, "Dear Science," or even Coldplay's "Viva La Vida" but I wanted to go with ones that were just as great and flew under a lot of people's radar. Check this out if you get the chance, I promise they're all great and made with pure dedication (and possible magical musical unicorn witchcraft).
As for everyone else on odwwart, I hope you guys put together a list of some of your favorites and post it. It'd be nice and fun and help liven up this blog a bit since it's been kind of slow since the start of December. You could even do movies, books, pornography or favorite show dogs if you want!
merry christmash!!!
I did a sketch of my Melissa (Standing) my cousin, Kayla (sitting) and Ginger (my dad's Beagle) at my grandma's house and I'm turing it into a christmas card this year, more to come later.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Kind of sad though, I like having the free time but I really did enjoy my classes this semester, especially Illustration. It was one of the first few art classes I've had where everyone was friendly, some what talented and gave good critiques. That shit is hard to find sometimes. Anyways my last project was a portrait of Kilgore Trout, best fictional author to ever exist (kind of :3).

Also, last week for my birthday, me and our very own Mauvis got together and got to see They Might be Giants live at the Metro in Chicago. These mother fuckers came back for two encores, TWO ENCORES! Who does that?

They do that!
I also finished some more large chipboard illustrations. I used the songs "Astronaut" by Beach House and "Agoraphobia" by Deerhunter in that order.

and to keep tradition with these ungodly long post, I'll finish it off with a music video I've been obsessing over lately.
Ferraby Lionheart's "small planet". It's a beautiful song off a phenomenal album from last year titled "Catch the Brass Ring". Good thing he has such a wonderful voice because god damn, he's weird looking :3
Hopefully everyone on the blog had a good wrap up for the semester but I just realized me, KC and Cooky Puss are the only ones in college right now. So uh, good luck Cooky puss and KC, if you're not done yet.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
ol' blue eyes
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

MOST BAD ASS SWEATSHIRT EVER (seriously, is it a pea coat, is it a hoodie? MYSTERY CLOTHING!)


Sunday, November 16, 2008
Skate or LIVE

Anyways, as for other art and music happenings, Matt & Kim just recently came through town with Kid Static and Best Fwends. They played at the house out in Dekalb and it was a pretty damn amazing show all around. I saw Matt & Kim earlier this year (even had an entry earlier too on this blog about it) but they once again put on a great set with an ungodly amount of energy.

Kid Static opened before them, he has an interesting sound that reminds me of Dan the Automator (before he started sucking on that second handsome boys modeling school album :( ) mixed with Q-tip. Really fun live, twice as fun when the dance party started.

So check this out as well.
So after that was all good and finished, it had been one of the better concerts I have been to this year. Even more suprising it was out in Dekalb instead of Chicago.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Oh god I need to post more often so I quit doing these huge post dumps

I'll be making another post later tonight since I got too much stuff to fit into one.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
So tomorrow is halloween

Hopefully we all will have swanky Halloween costumes to post tomorrow :3
Also, for music, Deerhunter's new album is fantastic like everyone has been saying. I've been especially obsessed over the one song "agoraphobia" lately:
It is a very depressing tune but something just really hits home about it. The music video is also really pretty and weird, just like the song. Bradford Cox just seems to have an immense talent for writing the perfect sad song; the entire album of Atlas Sound is perfect proof of that.
Friday, October 24, 2008
sketchbook pages -fart-
oh hey look at that.. one of those drawings sure looks familiar... ugh this sketchbook is a mess. stupid markers... too bad water colors don't make marks on these damn pages... stupid moleskines
actually the way our blog is set up you can't see what I'm talking about on this sketchbook page, click it to see the full pages.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Banana Vs. Monkey!
the eternal struggle continues... this is the first time I inked a comic completely on paper. I wish I'd had the foresite to do this with the word bubbles as well.. there's always next time... you mean there's going to be a next time? God I hope so.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Places to go in Chicago if you're a huge nerd/artist

I have 3 close friends that go to Colombia College and DePaul university. These two campuses are actually right next to each other on Michigan ave. so I usually stop by here to pick them up or hang out. Our first stop after that is usually a great Sushi to go stop called Osaka. Always great food and some of the best bubble tea in the area.

Before I headed off to the concert we drove over to Roscoe village to meet up with one more friend at the 4 moons tavern. On top of it being a great hang out they make some really fucking tasty burgers and all the bartenders are super nice. Also they have a very unique jukebox that went from playing Andrew Bird to Frank Zappa while I was there.

As for Against me! they were really, really fun live. Extremely loud and the lead singer does not stop smiling. Seriously, the entire show he looked like he was having the best time out of anyone else there. Though I'd be pretty happy if I owned a black Rickenbacker myself.

After that it was time to head home, feeling quite content in my day of activities as well as slightly buzzed with ringing ears.
Hopefully that wasn't too long and boring. If not, I do plan on doing a few more of these since there's always a million cool art places, music venues and general cool as shit hang outs to stop by and see when in Chicago.