Well I am almost done with finals myself, which included this art project final were we had to do a symbolic interpretation of our positive side. It was done using charcoals and some pastels on a piece of BFK reeves paper by about 2' by 3'. I like frogs :3
Also this break I am hoping to revitalize this blog a bit and get a bunch of stuff and themes posted. Hopefully we can start attracting more people to this site as well. Me and Ovens have agreed to try to get an entire comic out and done by the end of break so we will probably be posting updates on that as well.
Pretty neat. Bit different brom what I normally see from you so that's cool.
I really did enjoy working with charcoal a lot this semester and my teacher recommeneded that I experiment with gouache over the break. So who knows, maybe I will post some experimental gouache stuff later this month if I get some spare bucks.
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